Changing the default behavior of E3x

Functions and modules in E3x often assume specific conventions, which, in some cases, may be even necessary for the correct interaction with other components. Examples include the ordering of irreps, whether higher-level modules such as TensorDense or MessagePass use the Tensor or the FusedTensor module to couple irreps, or the normalization used when computing spherical_harmonics. While the behavior of all functions and modules can be tuned individually by providing corresponding keyword arguments, it may be convenient to change the default behavior globally (e.g. to avoid subtle bugs that may appear when the ordering of irreps is inconsistent across different operations). Default behaviors can be changed with the Config class (see its documentation for a full overview of changeable behaviors). For example, to change the default normalization of spherical_harmonics from 'racah' to 'orthonormal' you could simply call

import e3x

at the start of your script.