Neighbor/index lists

When working with data that can be represented as point clouds (e.g. molecules, polygen meshes), it is often necessary to define neighbor/index lists, which specify which points interact with each other (e.g. in a MessagePass layer, the index lists determine which nodes pass messages between each other). E3x supports two kinds of index lists, which we call “sparse” and “dense”, for use with “indexed operations”. Indexed operations can be thought of as operating according to a graph, with index lists specifying edges/node connectivity.

For example, consider the (undirected) graph:

     ╲ ╱

With sparse index lists, this connectivity could be encoded with two arrays, the “destination indices” (dst_idx) and the “source indices” (src_idx) as:

dst_idx = [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
src_idx = [1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2]

You can read this as: “The node with index src_idx[i] connects to the node with index dst_idx[i].” Note that in this example, each “edge” is specified twice, once with node \(a\) as source and node \(b\) as destination, and once with the roles reversed (\(b\) is the destination, \(a\) is the source). This is the typical setup for message-passing, because we want both nodes to “pass messages” to each other. A directed graph (with “unidirectional message-passing”) can easily be defined by only specifying one edge-direction, see below.

Sparse index lists can always be padded with node indices that do not appear in the graph (any number larger than the largest valid index may be used for padding) without changing the results, for example:

dst_idx = [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4]
src_idx = [1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4]
                                   | padding |

Adding padding is often necessary to avoid frequent recompilation when using jax.jit. With a dense index list, the same connectivity would be encoded with “adjacency indices” as:

adj_idx = [[1, 4, 4],
           [0, 2, 3],
           [1, 3, 4],
           [1, 2, 4]]

You can read this as: “The nodes at indices adj_idx[i, :] connect to the node with index i.”

The use of padding values (4 in this example) with dense index lists is necessary here, because nodes have different numbers of neighbors (e.g., node 0 has only one neighbor, but node 1 has three neighbors). Adding additional padding does not change the results.

Depending on the use case, either sparse or dense neighborlists can be more “natural”/efficient, so both are supported. There are also convenience functions for converting from one format to the other (introducing padding if necessary), see sparse_to_dense_indices and dense_to_sparse_indices.

It is also possible to specify “directed edges” or “loops”, for example:


With sparse index lists:

dst_idx = [0, 2, 2]
src_idx = [1, 1, 2]

With dense index lists (note the use of 3 as padding):

adj_idx = [[1, 3],
           [3, 3],
           [1, 2]]

Usage example

Recall the first example from above with the graph:

     ╲ ╱

Let’s imagine we have four points embedded in three-dimensional space and we want to calculate distances between pairs of points according to the graph connectivity specified above.

# Positions of the four points specified as x, y, z coordinates.
positions = jnp.array([
  [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0],  # point/node 0
  [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],  # point/node 1
  [ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0],  # point/node 2
  [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.0],  # point/node 3

# Sparse index list.
dst_idx = jnp.array([0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3])
src_idx = jnp.array([1, 0, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2])

# Dense index list.
adj_idx = jnp.array([[1, 4, 4], [0, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], [1, 2, 4]])

Let’s start with the sparse index list.

To compute the distances, we need to gather the positions from both “sources” (using gather_src) and “destinations” (using gather_dst), calculate their difference to get the “displacement vectors” between the points, and finally calculate the norm of the displacements.

dst_positions = e3x.ops.gather_dst(positions, dst_idx=dst_idx)
src_positions = e3x.ops.gather_src(positions, src_idx=src_idx)
displacements = dst_positions - src_positions
distances = e3x.ops.norm(displacements, axis=-1)

print('dst_positions\n', dst_positions, '\n')
print('src_positions\n', src_positions, '\n')
print('displacements\n', displacements, '\n')
print('distances\n', distances)
 [[-1.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 1.   0.   1. ]
 [ 1.   0.   1. ]
 [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]
 [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]] 

 [[ 0.   0.   0. ]
 [-1.   0.   0. ]
 [ 1.   0.   1. ]
 [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]
 [ 0.   0.   0. ]
 [ 1.   0.   1. ]] 

 [[-1.   0.   0. ]
 [ 1.   0.   0. ]
 [-1.   0.  -1. ]
 [-0.5 -0.5  0. ]
 [ 1.   0.   1. ]
 [ 0.5 -0.5  1. ]
 [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]
 [-0.5  0.5 -1. ]] 

 [1.    1.    1.414 0.707 1.414 1.225 0.707 1.225]

Now let’s do the same, but with a dense index list (values that correspond to padding entries will be nonsense, but this does typically not matter because they are never used in downstream tasks).

dst_positions = e3x.ops.gather_dst(positions, adj_idx=adj_idx)
src_positions = e3x.ops.gather_src(positions, adj_idx=adj_idx)
displacements = dst_positions - src_positions
distances = e3x.ops.norm(displacements, axis=-1)

print('dst_positions\n', dst_positions, '\n')
print('src_positions\n', src_positions, '\n')
print('displacements\n', displacements, '\n')
print('distances\n', distances)
 [[[-1.   0.   0. ]]

 [[ 0.   0.   0. ]]

 [[ 1.   0.   1. ]]

 [[ 0.5  0.5  0. ]]] 

 [[[ 0.   0.   0. ]
  [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]
  [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]]

 [[-1.   0.   0. ]
  [ 1.   0.   1. ]
  [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]]

 [[ 0.   0.   0. ]
  [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]
  [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]]

 [[ 0.   0.   0. ]
  [ 1.   0.   1. ]
  [ 0.5  0.5  0. ]]] 

 [[[-1.   0.   0. ]
  [-1.5 -0.5  0. ]
  [-1.5 -0.5  0. ]]

 [[ 1.   0.   0. ]
  [-1.   0.  -1. ]
  [-0.5 -0.5  0. ]]

 [[ 1.   0.   1. ]
  [ 0.5 -0.5  1. ]
  [ 0.5 -0.5  1. ]]

 [[ 0.5  0.5  0. ]
  [-0.5  0.5 -1. ]
  [ 0.   0.   0. ]]] 

 [[1.    1.581 1.581]
 [1.    1.414 0.707]
 [1.414 1.225 1.225]
 [0.707 1.225 0.   ]]

The only thing that changed in the code are the keyword arguments to the gather operations. All operations that use index lists in E3x follow this pattern, i.e. they automatically determine whether sparse or dense index lists are used from the given keyword arguments. This enables to write code that is agnosting to the specific index list format by defining a helper dictionary that holds the corresponding key-value pairs. For example, we can define a sparse index list as

indexlist = dict(dst_idx=dst_idx, src_idx=src_idx)

and then use

dst_positions = e3x.ops.gather_dst(positions, **indexlist)
src_positions = e3x.ops.gather_src(positions, **indexlist)

for the gathering operations. To replace the sparse with a dense index list, we now only need to replace the definition of indexlist:

indexlist = dict(adj_idx=adj_idx)

Constructing neighbor/index lists

E3x contains convenience functions for constructing index lists that consider all possible pairwise edges between \(N\) points (with or without loops), see sparse_pairwise_indices and dense_pairwise_indices. However, the computational complexity and memory requirements of operations that use these “full pairwise” index lists necessarily scale as \(O(N^2)\), which can be prohibitive when \(N\) is large. When modeling e.g. molecules, we therefore often want to construct index lists that only consider interactions within a certain cutoff distance. Then, the scaling becomes \(O(NM)\), where \(M \ll N\) is the average number of points within the cutoff. There already exist other packages that can efficiently construct such cutoff-based neighbor lists, for example JAX MD, which we recommend using (it directly supports both the sparse and the dense format described above, and even periodic boundary conditions). As far as E3x is concerned, neighbor/index lists are just a collection of indices, so it should be compatible with any kind of neighbor/index list, as long as it is first converted into either the dense or sparse format described above.