
Utility functions for performing indexed operations.


dense_pairwise_indices(num[, mask_self])

Generates a dense index list for all pairs of num elements.

dense_to_sparse_indices(adj_idx[, pad_idx])

Converts a dense index list to a sparse index list.

gather_dst(inputs, *[, adj_idx, dst_idx])

Gather from inputs (destination) according to dense or sparse index list.

gather_src(inputs, *[, adj_idx, src_idx])

Gather from inputs (source) according to dense or sparse index list.

indexed_max(inputs[, keepdims, adj_idx, ...])

Determines the maximum of inputs according to sparse or dense index lists.

indexed_min(inputs[, keepdims, adj_idx, ...])

Determines the minimum of inputs according to sparse or dense index lists.

indexed_softmax(inputs[, ...])

Determines the softmax of inputs according to sparse or dense index lists.

indexed_sum(inputs[, keepdims, adj_idx, ...])

Performs a sum over inputs according to sparse or dense index lists.

sparse_pairwise_indices(num[, mask_self])

Generates a sparse index list for all pairs of num elements.

sparse_to_dense_indices(dst_idx, src_idx[, ...])

Converts a sparse index list to a dense index list.